Crisis Response

Sexual assault is an invasive, traumatic event that impacts an individual’s emotional stability and daily functioning. A sexual assault can result in devastating complications such as pregnancy, contraction of sexually transmitted infections, and physical injuries. The SANE exam provides medical services to address these potential health problems. The SANE nurse, teamed with Advocacy, can provide referrals and resources to victims for aftermath care. The SANE exam also provides forensic services: evidence collection and injury documentation.

Silver City used to have a hospital based SANE Program that performed all these services since 2011, averaging 18 to 24 exams per year, staffed by Shauna McCosh, a SANE nurse and Nurse Practitioner Medical Director since it’s early days. Since 2011, the SANE and Rape Crisis/Sexual Assault Services provided by SRSASS were coordinated as two distinct agencies. SRSASS and SANE now work as one agency.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted and is in need of a SANE exam, please contact our Advocacy and Crisis Coordinator Chelsea Cooper to get more information and assistance. You can email Chelsea or call her at 1-575-313-6203 

Staffed by Tierra Kiely, RN

SANE is housed at the SRSASS Office in the College Street Plaza, 301 N. Hudson, Suite 18, Silver City, NM 88061